Dennis Henagan

born around 1770 death unknown

Dennis Henagan was a slave own by Barnabas Henagan, the son of James Sweeny Henagan during the late 1700's until Barnabas Henagan's death on February 1, 1826.

Dennis was given to Barnabas Henagan's youngest son, Barnabas Henagan Jr., upon the death of his father on February 1, 1826.

The Last Will and Testament of Barnabas Henagan of Marlborough District and the State of South Carolina:

I Barnabas Henagan, considering the uncertain of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament, in the manner and from the following: I resign my soul into the hands of a merciful God; and my body I commit to the earth to be decently entered I give and devise as follows:

First, I give and devise to my younger son, Barnabas Henagan, all that land on which I now live, situated lying and being in the district of Marlborough, and containing four hundred and sixty-three acres more or less – item I also give and bequeath to my said son Barnabas seven Negroes, namely Johnson, Peter, Sophia, Morning, Edmund, Dennis and Sandy – Item I give and bequeath to my youngest daughter, Catherine Henagan, seven Negroes, namely Sarah, Stephen, George, Robin, Ned, Jim and Rachel. The children of the said Rachel under the age of Jim, I desire to be divided between my son Barnabas and my daughter Catherine. I also desire that the Negroes, which I have enumerated in this, my Last Will and Testament, shall remain where I now reside, until my legatees require them elsewhere. All the remainder of my real and personal property (including slaves not named in the Will) not particularly mentioned in this Will, to be equally divided between my Barnabas and Catherine. Also, I will and ordain that my son Barnabas and daughter Catherine shall not have the power of aliening, or parting from the property, which they obtain through me, except for the term of their natural lives, but at their death it shall descend their heirs at law.

I made a marriage contract with my wife before we were married in which contract I give her a house and home with household and kitchen furniture. Sufficient for moderate living with a Negro man able to do moderate (labor) and land sufficient for one house to work and one Negro women servant able to do common house business to serve her the said Elizabeth during her life time or widowhood and she is to be furnished with a sufficiency of stock, one horse to work her land and cattle, hogs, sheep for her maintenance, but it is provided also that she or her heirs or Executors ----- is not to have any claim on any part of the said property any longer than during her lifetime or widowhood. I desire at the death of my wife or on her marriage with any other person that the above property which I have so given by contract during her natural live or widowhood should be equally divided between my two youngest children Barnabas and Catherine.

Also for the better management of my property and education of my children, I do hereby appoint my trusty friends Captain Tristram Bethea (Barnabas nephew and son of Mary Henagan Bethea), Charles Mcrae, Esq., and John L. Mclaurin Executors of this my Last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this First Day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-six (February 1, 1826).

Signed Sealed published and declared the before named Barnabas Henagan to be his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator—Barnabas Henagan, Hugh McCall, Neil Mclarin and Shadrick Easterling.

Barnabas Henagan and his two youngest children, Barnabas Jr. and Catherine Henagan died in Alabama.  More than likely, their slaves where in Alabama upon their deaths.


Going Back Home

Give Mama Her Flowers Now



There's A Man Spared Count Your Blessings Jeremiah 33
Great Is Thy Faithfulness Foot of the Cross A Song For You Hang On To The World
Greg Henneghan Live     Give Mama Her Flowers Now




72 of our Ancestor's owned by Barnabas Kelet Henagan at the time of his death in January of 1855.  There are some slaves with the same first name.  Barnabas Kelet Henagan owned several tracks of land such as Catfish Plantation, Grove Land Plantation and Cannon Land Plantation.  Our Ancestors were slaves on these plantations.  By 1860, 5 years after his death, there were only 43 slaves listed as property of James Henagan (Barnabas Kelet Henagan's son) in the Census of 1860.  We can only assume that some of our ancestor's died and some where sold.  The 1860 Census did not list the names of slaves only the sex of the slave, any special skill of the slave and whether the slave was a mulatto.

On January 5, 1858, (three years after Barnabas Kelet Henagan's death), his widow Anna Maria Henagan petition the Honorable Chancellor of South Carolina in Marion County seeking to claim her dower.  Barnabas Kelet Henagan died in 1855 and possessed several tracks of land and 72 slaves.  He bequeath to his widow Anna Maria Henagan a life estate and 19 slaves; the remaining estate was to be divided among his children, including seven of the defendants.  James J. Harllee, John W. Henagan and James N Henagan, as executors, took possession of the lands and slaves in the estate.  They used the property to produce several crops and have kept the profits, claiming that they needed the money to pay the estate's debts.  Contending that all such debts have by now been discharged, the widow represents that she is anxious to receive her legacy but that said executors have refused her request.  She also argues that she has a right to one third of the lands in the estate as part of her dower, and therefore, one third of the crops raised.  She also wants to take possession of the 19 slaves specifically bequeathed to her.  Anna Maria Henagan therefore prays that the court will grant unto her a "writ of Admeasurement of Dower," authorizing "suitable persons" to "admeasure and set apart to your Oratrix her dower or thirds in the aforesaid tracts of land."  Her request was "granted pro confeso."  During her petition, the 72 slaves were named (first name only because slaves did not have last names).  Godfrey Henneghan, a descendent of the 72 slaves gave them there last name 160 years later.

72 of our Ancestor's owned by Barnabas Kelet Henagan

Adeline Henagan Asberry Henagan Beckey Henagan Bob Henagan Cally Henagan
Caroline Henagan Clarisy (Clarissa) Henagan Cloe Henagan Colton (Cotton) Henagan Crissy Henagan
Daniel Henagan Dave Henagan Delong (Delang) Henagan Dicey Henagan Dilly Henagan
Dilly Henagan Dolly Henagan Dunall Henagan Edmond Henagan Ellen Henagan
Ester Henagan Exum Henagan Flora Henagan Hannah Henagan Harriet Henagan
Harriet Henagan Harry Henagan Hatway Henagan Henry Henagan Henry Henagan
Ici Henagan Jerry Henagan Jim Henagan John Henagan Juda Henagan
Judy (Long Juda) Henagan Julia Henagan Katy (Cate) Henagan Kiddy Henagan Laura Henagan
Lavinia Henagan Liddy (Lidda) Henagan Lizzie (Eliza) Henagan Louisa Henagan Maria Henagan
Mary Henagan Mary Ann Henagan Mary Ann Henagan Milly Henagan Nancy Henagan
Nancy Henagan Nancy Henagan Napoleon Henagan Paul Henagan Phoebe
Pickens Henagan Polly Henagan Prissy Henagan Randolph Henagan Rose Henagan
Sam Henagan Sam Henagan Sarah Henagan Silas Henagan Simon Henagan
Simon (Old Simon) Henagan Simon Henagan Solomon Henagan Toney Henagan Wesley Henagan
West Henagan       Willis Henagan



The correct spelling of our last name is H-E-N-A-G-A-N (Henagan). There are no other correct versions of our last name. The name Henagan was the last name of the people who enslaved our ancestors.

Slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write. Slaves did not have identification cards with their name age and date of birth. Slaves did not have birth certificates or social security cards. The only thing that matter to the slave master was the age and sex of the slave. Slaves were not treated as humans but as animals. Just like a horse or a cow, a slave did not have a last name nor did they know their date of birth, it did not matter.

The slaves were freed in 1863. In the state of South Carolina, slaves were not really free until the end of the Civil war in 1865.

Most former slaves used the last name of the people who owned them during slavery.

The first time freed slaves had an opportunity to record their name and date of birth was during the 1870 census (5 years after the Civil War). The process of completing the census for a former slave was simply to give their complete name, age, date of birth and address and hope that the person who took that information spelled it correctly. We could not tell them how to spell our names correctly. In most cases we could not read or write.

That’s why our last name was spelled several different ways. For that reason, some of us spell our name Henneghan, some spell it Hennigan, some spell it Henigan, etc.

The correct way to spell our last name is H-E-N-A-G-A-N

We have to remember that Slavery In America was inhumane, and atrocious with heinous crimes committed by the slaver that stack all the way up to Heaven.


A Classic Gospel Compilation

Foot Of The Cross




Johnson Henagan   Peter Henagan   Sophia Henagan

born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Morning Henagan   Edmund Henagan   Dennis Henagan

born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Sandy Henagan   Sarah Henagan   Stephen Henagan

born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





George Henagan   Robin Henagan   Ned Henagan

born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Jim Henagan   Rachel Henagan   old Simon Henagan

born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1770 death unknown


born around 1790 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Cally Henagan   Dolly Henagan   Long Juda Henagan

born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Prissey Henagan   Ledda Henagan   Cate Henagan

born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Mariah Henagan   Phoebe Henagan   Chloe Henagan

born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Flora Henagan   Hatway Henagan   Eliza Henagan

born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery






Solomon Henagan       Clarissa Henagan

born around 1800 death unknown


born around 1800 death unknown

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Harry Henagan   Juda Henagan   Henry Henagan

around 1800 died before 1870


around 1800 died before 1870


1839 died before 1910

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery






Wesley Henagan       Kizziah Henagan

around 1840 to unknown


1849 died before 1910

**red background indicates that ancestor was born into slavery





Willie Henneghan Sr.   Evans Henneghan   Sebron Hennigan

June 1867 to April 22, 1922


1861 - 1898


1865 to June 17, 1915





Robert H. B. Hennigan   Mary Hennigan   James Hennigan

1875 - June 2, 1930


1872 to ?


1874 to ?





Elizabeth "Sisooly" Richardson   Henry Henneghan   Florena Henneghan Thompson

Dec 25, 1892 to Dec 5, 1993


Feb. 10, 1889 - Oct. 4, 1978


Dec 15, 1894 to Oct 12 1964





Benjamin "Ben" Henneghan   Lula Timmons Henneghan   Samuel Henneghan

Jun 4, 1890 to Feb 1964




Oct 20 1908 to Sept 3, 1997





Nathaniel "Nathan" Hennigan   Loretta Hennigan Matthews   Anna Bass Hennigan

Jul 15, 1895 - May 20, 1955


Jul 15, 1897 to Feb 13, 1974


Dec 1879





Kizzie Ann "Dee" Eaddy   Ernest "Tokey" Hennigan   Monroe "Bossie" Hennigan Sr.

May 11, 1898 to Jun 23, 1967

  April 8, 1904 to Jan 9, 1965  

March 6, 1906 to Oct 19, 1997





Gaynell Hennigan Howard Davis   Henry Hennigan   General Lee "Big Baby Hennigan
August 9, 1909 to May 26, 2007   Feb 28, 1910 to Feb 21 1989   Feb. 25, 1912 to Sept. 1, 1997





Ila "Coota" Hennigan Cannon   Robert "Buster" Hennigan   Lillie "Muddy" Hennigan Gregg
1914 to Nov. 26, 1955   January 16, 1916   August 15, 1918 to June 5, 2017





Maggie Hennigan Davis   Rosa Lee Hennigan   Mrs. Claretta Hennigan

Oct 12, 1920 - January 22, 1989








1870 - 1930 Census Report

Census Report 1870 Census McMillan Township 1880 Census Tans Bay Township 1900 Census Tans Bay Township
1910 Census McMillan Township 1910 Census Timmonsville Township 1920 Census Lynch Township 1930 Census Tans Bay Township



Kizzie Anna "Dee" Eaddy

May 11, 1898 to Jun 23, 1967

In 1962 our ancestor Kizzie Anna Eaddy, daughter of Robert and Anna Bass Hennigan requested a copy of the 1870 through 1930 census report for the Hennigan Family.  Because of her efforts, our family history is saved, recorded and treasured.



Message from Governor B. K. Henagan

To:  Citizens of the South Carolina Senate and House of Representatives

Columbia, South Carolina    November 24, 1840



page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11



Marion County South Carolina

Election of 1844

In the election of 1844, the Whigs and Democrats had another contest in Marion District. Such a thing never happen before that an entire delegation from a district, Senator and Representatives, all belonged to one family.  The Senator, Dr. B. K. Henagan, and Representatives, Bethea, Moody and Crawford, were all connected with each other by blood or marriage.  The wife of Barfield; Moody was the aunt of John C. Bethea and Chapman J. Crawford, Bethea and Crawford were first cousins; Crawford's father and Bethea's mother were brother and sister, and Moody's wife was a sister of Crawford's father and also of John C. Bethea's mother; Bethea's name was John Crawford Bethea. The Senator-elect, Dr. B. K. Henagan's, mother was a Bethea.  (read more)



The Charleston Daily News November 24, 1871


Cannon Land Plantation owned and created by


Godfrey Henneghan, son of Eshmel Bethea & Sarah "Boot" Henneghan… Grandson of Mary Henneghan Cephas… Great grandson of Ben & Lula Henneghan…. Great, great grandson of Willie  & Mary Hennigan Sr… Great, great, great grandson of Henry & Kizziah Henneghan… Great, great, great, great grandson of Harry and Juda Henagan.....  Great, great, great, great, great grandson of Darby Henagan (father of Barnabas Kelet Henagan)


Barnabas Kelet Henagan:

I give and bequeath to my two sons, James H. Henagan and Andrew B. Henagan all that plantation of land lying and situated in the District of Marlboro in the state of South Carolina known as Cannon Land




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Cannon Land Plantation

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